Chinese whisper : not to be creative, just imitate what you hear,repeat it, but turn out to be something very different results.
Remade it, and haunt it down.
Myth: you remake it to give somebody else. Something that doesn't belong to you.
Roman Cathedral: Arch ( Simple, plain) Ex: Gloucester Cathedral
Fan vaulting ---> tiny arch
Holy house: 30' long ; 30' wide [genetic code]
By copying their masters (each generation) --> extraordinary happening.
Ex: little red hoop, Berlin Wall, White house ( change every 5 years with the owner alternation)
Continually reusing what existed before. --> retell the room of different meaning
Building --> mythical
Good stories --> No author
--> Take part of truth but twisted the story itself.
Naple --> Crib
Sewing mashine is a bastard child of bicycle.
在趨勢一直告訴我們不斷創新時,看待過去歷史的發展,追溯到各種物件的原始(year zero)可以幫助自己更加創新。
可以說是沒有甚麼物件是完全原創的,我們接受前人的智慧,有如各個領域的master一樣,傳授給他們的弟子 之後每一個世代的弟子,成為下一個時代的大師。
在不斷的重新使用各種知識或者說是前人所留下的遺跡(故事,建築空間...) 的過程中,我們重新創造自己 重新給這個空間意義 。
拿巴黎的十月革命來作例子 當他們毀壞革新之前的所有建築與制度之後 他們會發現之後重新建造的事物 幾乎是按造先前的例子來再度建造。
against innovation --> tracing the story backwards --> year zero --> building myths --> a game of chinese whispers --> we all build myths